Subscribe & Save
Subscribe and save 10% on your order. It's a simple way to get a discount on the products you love and make sure you never run out.

Subscription FAQ's
Products are automatically delivered on your schedule in 30, 60, or 90 day intervals. Modify, add/remove products, or cancel your subscription anytime through your subscription portal.
If you need to cancel your subscription, we understand. You can easily cancel your subscription at any time, and there are never any fees or penalties. You're always welcome to resubscribe if you change your mind! If you cancel your subscription after an order has already been processed, you will still receive and be charged for that order.
Steps to Cancel:
- Log in to your account using the subscription portal.
- You should be on your "Subscriptions page" once logged in.
- Click "Manage Product" next to the single product you want to adjust
- You can: Skip, swap, update quantity, or remove the product.
- Removing the product is what will cancel that one subscription item.
- If you would like to cancel the whole subscription or skip the whole subscription, you can do so by clicking "Manage Subscription".
- You can change the next delivery date, skip the order, or cancel the order all together.
- Clicking cancel under the "Manage Subscription" option will cancel your subscriptions under that specific subscription order.
Please note if you click the “Order Now” button, this will IMMEDIATELY place your order and you will not be able to make any further changes to your order.
To change the products in your upcoming order, you can skip specific items or swap them.
1. Log into your subscription using the subscription portal.
2. You should be on your "Subscriptions page" once logged in.
3. Click on the "Manage Product"
- You can: skip, swap, update, or remove the item
1. Or you can click the "Manage Subscription" button and update:
- Next delivery Date
- Frequency
- Shipping address
- Payment method
- Or skip the order
Orders should merge and ship together if scheduled on the same date and under all the exact same information.
Please make sure your orders are set to ship on the same date with the same exact payment information, address, and billing.
To delay your next order:
- Log into your subscription using the subscription portal.
- You should be on your "Subscriptions page" once logged in.
- Find your upcoming order you would like to make changes to
To adjust the whole order click “Manage Subscription”
- You can “skip” the whole order
- Or You can reschedule your order for a specific date
To adjust a single item click “Manage Product”
Skipping the product will skip the individual item until the next recurring order
Please note that when skipping individual items, one item will need to be left on the order. So if you would like to skip the whole order, please click the “Manage Subscription” button.
- If you would like to “un-skip” the order, you can reschedule the order back to the desired date.
Yes you can! We recommend using a laptop and not a mobile device.
To add product:
- Log into your subscription using the subscription portal.
- You should be on your "Subscriptions page" once logged in.
- Click the "Add product" button under the frequency of the subscription you would like to add to.
- Search for your product
- Select your product
- Click “Next”
- You can then choose to add it as a one-time purchase
- Or add it to your overall subscription.
- 7. Click “Add product”
- Double check that you see your new product added to your subscription
To swap product:
- Log into your subscription using the subscription portal.
- You should be on your "Subscriptions page" once logged in.
- Click on the “manage product” button next to the item you are wanting to swap
- Please make sure that you are swapping a product within your desired frequency that you would like to receive that product.
- Click “swap product”
- Search your new product
- Click “Next”
- Adjust quantity if needed
- Click “Swap”
- Double check that you see your new product on your subscription
To adjust quantity:
- Log into your subscription using the subscription portal.
- You should be on your "Subscriptions page" once logged in.
- Click on the “manage product” button next to the item you are wanting to adjust the quantity for
- Click "Update Quantity" and adjust as desired
- Click "Update"
- Double check that it went though!
To remove product:
- Log into your subscription using the subscription portal.
- You should be on your "Subscriptions page" once logged in.
- Click on the “Manage Product” button next to the item you are wanting to adjust
- Click “Remove Product”
To pause product:
If you would like to pause the subscription
Click the “Manage Subscription” button
- You can either “Update the next delivery date” until you would like to receive it again
- Or you can “cancel subscription” until you would like to reactivate
- Please note that this will only make changes to the items under that specific subscription. We would recommend double checking all your other subscriptions frequencies to make sure they are set as desired.
- Double check that it went though by making sure you see it as a product on the "Subscriptions" page
It's likely that you have multiple subscription orders setup or all your items are set to ship on different dates of the month. You can view this by logging into your subscription using the subscription portal.
We first recommend checking your dates. Whether you have subscriptions for 30, 60, or 90 days, we recommend that they all fall on the same date of every month they will be shipping. This will make it more likely for them to sync up in some of the same shipments.
If your subscriptions are already set to ship on the same dates, check your shipping address and payment method to ensure all your subscriptions are sending to the same address and using the same payment method. Our system can't merge orders if they have different addresses or payment methods!
If you are still having issues, we recommend moving all the subscription items to one of the addresses or double checking that they are under all the exact same information.
This can be done by:
- Log into your subscription using the subscription portal.
- You should be on your "Subscriptions page" once logged in.
- Click “Manage Subscription”
- Update deliver date
- Update shipping address
- Or Update Payment method as needed
You may have noticed that we recently switched over to a new subscription platform which is why your subscription portal appears differently.
Going forward, if you have more than one subscription frequency that is scheduled to ship on the same day, our fulfillment team will automatically combine your orders and one shipping fee (if applicable) will be charged.
Please take a moment to ensure any subscription frequencies you want shipped together on the same day have the same form of payment, same shipping and billing address and name.
Your first order will be shipped approximately 2-5 business days from the date your order is placed. Inside your account you can manage when your order is scheduled. You can delay, skip or reschedule your subscription as long as the order hasn’t been processed.
Shipping times may be extended during times of high volume sales.
The subscription sale price of 20% is automatically applied every month and there is no action needed.
There will also not be a specific spot that shows the item is being discounted at 20%. You will just notice that the price listed for your item in your subscription reflects 20% off from what is listed on our website.
By starting a subscription for a specific product during our Subscription Sale, you are locking in the promotion discount on that product only and will not be able to swap it out for other products, flavors, or scents.
We recommend putting your favorite products on subscription and using your subscription portal to skip orders when needed to maintain the extra discount
If you already have a subscription at a higher price, you'll want to cancel it and start a new subscription to lock in the discounted price.
If you notice that your order has not shipped and it should have, this is likely due to a payment failure.
Please log into your account and request a secure email to be sent to you to proceed with updating your payment. Please take a moment to review the payment type for all your subscriptions.
Most discount codes will not apply to subscriptions unless otherwise stated. This includes product launch promos, affiliate discount codes, etc.
Rewards points can be applied to subscriptions.
How to redeem Rewards:
Log into your subscription using the subscription portal.
You should be on your "Subscriptions page" once logged in.
Scroll to the very bottom of the page and click “Earn Rewards Points”
- This will bring you to the page showing all your earned rewards
Click “Redeem Points” under your name
Select your desired amount of points you would like to redeem
- Click “Yes”
The code will automatically pop up right where the redeem button previously was
- Or you can also check if you received it in your email (or spam)
- Or if you are signed up for texts it should be texted to you
- You can then copy the code given and directly paste that into your subscription
To paste the code into your subscription:
- Scroll back down to the bottom of the page and go back to your subscription by clicking “Subscribe & Save”
- On your subscription that you want to apply the code to, select the drop down “Discount Code”
- This is under the “Next Charge” section
- Paste your previously copied discount code
- Click Apply
- This will apply the code to your order as you should see it pop-up just above
- The automatically discounts the order
- If you would like to remove the code, you can click the “x” button to the right of the code
If you received your discount code as “Applied” this means that the discount code was already automatically applied to one of your orders and it will be discounted once the order processes.
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